How to Avoid Simple Aesthetic Marketing Mistakes on Social Media

As plastic surgeons and aesthetic practices move further into social media marketing, one of their biggest concerns should be HIPAA violations and how to avoid them. MindStream Creative put together a great list of tips to avoid mistakes when participating in social media. Our take away? Make sure you get written authorization to share anything online. Read the rest of their article here.

Getting written authorization should be part of a robust post-operative process for gathering marketing content. During one of these appointments, if a patient reports a positive outcome and is happy to provide a testimony, ask if they’d be willing to provide that testimony on video. You can keep things simple and record it on your smartphone. Then, with the proper written authorization, that video can be posted on your website, or youtube, or even Facebook. Or all three!

Need great video to market your aesthetic practice in social media? Call or comment and we’ll be glad to help.

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