Just recently lights went on…

“I am so excited, I want to make all our materials coordinate and look like the quality my husband’s years of education and experience deserve.”

This week Linda received a call from a client who has known us for a very long time. Over the course of our relationship, they have been slow to respond when trying to complete their work. Just recently lights went on when the wife needed to take over as patient coordinator / office manager.

Here’s how the story goes… “I was giving a consultation and toward the end when we started talking about scheduling, the consult proudly states that she was shopping around. So I handed her the Office Depot folder with all sorts of brochures and papers for her to take home to show her husband to sit at the kitchen table with the other consultation packets she had received from shopping other physicians. That’s when my gut hurt. This packet represented all the hard years of work my husband has put into his skill and experience, and she was taking it home to compare to the other packets from her shopping. I felt horrible. Right then I understood how important a complete beautiful personal brand is and committed to doing it right.”

I’m so very glad when a client really understands the importance of all the messages a consult is hearing. Each touch point makes an impression good or bad. Here’s my Wednesday afternoon question to ponder… are each of your touch points working for you, or are they working against you?

Wishing you aesthetic beauty in all you do!


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