So What Exactly is a Brand?

So, what exactly is a brand? Is it your logo, your stationery, your practice name? The answer includes all those things and more. Essentially, everyone and everything in your practice is part of your brand — you, your staff, your building, your offices, your furniture, even your carpet and paint colors are part of your brand. Anything that makes an impression in the minds of those who are exposed to any aspect of your practice becomes part of your brand. The perception that those impressions create defines your brand.

For example, let’s say a patient suggests a luxury hotel you might be interested in  booking for your next vacation. The name is exotic and their description is compelling, so you decide to check it out. First, you have trouble finding the website. While searching, you come across some negative press on the place. Then, after you finally find the site, their online reservation request form is not working. So, you decide to give them one last chance and call their toll-free number. The voice that answers the phone sounds mechanical and bored.

Every detail of your fictitious interaction with this hotel would create an impression or perception in your mind of what it would be like to stay in this hotel. Everything from the name, to the website, to the tone of the receptionist’s voice creates a perception of the quality of service this hotel would offer, should you be unfortunate enough to stay there.

As a plastic surgeon, it is imperative that the foundation of your brand must be the highest quality services and products you can offer. Your practice’s brand is essentially your promise to patients that your services are expert, beyond compare and will never waiver or change.

Thank you for reading,

Candace Crowe, President, Creative Director

Candace Crowe Design
Educating Patients. Marketing You.

© 2009 Candace Crowe Design

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Constructing Your Brand: First Steps

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