Is Your Marketing a Disconnect?

Too many times the quality of surgeons’ marketing materials does not match their surgical abilities. This disconnect is then carried over to what their patients think about the quality of work they do. You dress for success; you hire an interior designer to make your facilities look warm, inviting and comfortable; you purchase the finest quality of instruments; and you attend premier industry conferences to learn and better your skills. The design of your website should demand professional time and energy, with the same commitment to excellence as other areas of your practice.

You only have one chance to make a good first impression. Often your marketing materials serve as the front door for a patient. With competition for patients at an all time high, you cannot afford to lose a potential patient with a poor first impression.

Wishing you marketing that reflects your true ability,

Candace Crowe
President, Creative Director
Candace Crowe Design

Educating Patients. Marketing You.

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