Partnership with Plastic Surgery Studios Puts Emphasis on Patient EducationPartnership with Plastic Surgery Studios Puts Emphasis on Patient Education Candace Crowe Design and Plastic Surgery Studios are teaming up…
Look at Yourself Through a Patient’s Eyes.It’s easier to define yourself in the eyes of your audience when you know who your target audience is. In…
Define yourself, or others will.No one has direct control over what people think about you, but you can use a few simple marketing strategies…
Appearance Counts for Your Practice, TooBe purposeful about the image you project. Plastic surgeons know, perhaps better than anyone, that image matters. People care about…
Make certain that your website…MARKETING TIP. Make certain that your website shows the personality of your practice, educates your patients, and welcomes viewers to…
Beware of inconsistent use of your logoMARKETING TIP. Beware of inconsistent use of your logo, color palette, and look and feel. It’s a hard mistake to…
Have a professional design your logo…Have a professional design your logo and help you choose a color palette that can be carried through to your…
Does your marketing show you understand…MARKETING TIP. Think for a minute, does your marketing show that you understand your patient’s cares and concerns? Wishing you…
Does my marketing have personality?MARKETING TIP- Does my marketing have personality? Your marketing should “pull” people towards you not shout at them, “This is…